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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pick Amazing Women Up Using Kiss Tests

Pick Amazing Women Up Using Kiss Tests

So this has happened to me before and I found the cure. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. My game is far from perfect but I'm enjoying it. Today I wear darker colored v-neck, like a charcoal, light wash slim fits, a pair of classic black/white chuck taylors and a nice summer jacket. I headed to the this club alone. There was a lot of hot women, but some of them were aged. I saw the hot babe sitting around the corner. She must have been fat and lost weight or something.

Perfect tanned skin, athletic body and nice juicy tits, and short shorts and a tight top to show off her assets. I think: I must to try, I don't really care what happens here, I'm just killing time... I used the simple 'Excuse me, sorry but do you know does a good coffee here? I really want to drink.'. She giggled and offered to sit down next to her. She says 'you're weird'. And I say 'thank you' with a grin. At this time I have successfully used kiss tests. It show how powerful assuming attraction can be if she is even slightly interested. She laughed and was cool about it all. She shivered and shot me a seductive glance.

I told her she could sit on my lap. She had a very distinctive and familiar taste but I couldn't immediately place it... I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to know her and making her invest. I'd say there was no consent on my part cuz I was so trashed and I had no intentions to actually bang anyone but it happened. I said: Well you'd better think of something good!. She came sit on my lap and started kissing me. Lucky for me I have some experience in closing girls in toilet. So after some drinks we go to toilet. And I close her. It was amazing!

How To Get The Girl Of My Dreams title=

Tags: flirt awkward game  female dork slang  cool using social  best cute baby  beautiful lady kiss  pick using attraction  flirt beautiful  lady stand routines  sean stephenson pua  guy maupassant  

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