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Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Flirt With Pretty Baby Using Women Kiss Routine

How To Flirt With Pretty Baby Using Women Kiss Routine

Within my social circle, there are always new girls popping in and out. So I have a lot of experience and I can share them. It was just after I had finished The Masterclass. I spending a lot of time in work and have been using my evenings practicing pick up. I'm pretty short (5'3) but I wear a good ol pair of Chuck tailors. I also have a worn Pair of leather Elevator shoes that make me 5'6. I went to the bar and stood next to an 8 drinking alone. There was a lot of hot women, but some of them were aged. One girl was sipping while looking at me. Not the most beautiful girl out there (though I've kind of stopped this rating thing would be around HB6.5), but she's really fun and intelligent.

Brown skin, toned stomach and perfect tight ass. I told myself 'today, I am going to go to the city and either get a daytime kiss or f..k this girl'. I went to her: 'You're really horny aren't you. Blah-Blah'. She blushes and then starts trying to tell some unrelated story, her voice going higher and higher and her leaving lots of half finished sentences. 'so i was univeresity...and there was a wait a guy...wait what am i saying? oh um...uhhh.....'. At this time I have successfully used Women kiss routine. Her eyes lit up. The conversation was filled with sexual tension. We were totally on the same wavelength game wise and humour wise.

I eventually had my hand down the back of her skirt. I'm standing next to her giving her a hellfire eyes burn. Sometimes I break rapport by not being interested and darting my eyes around. This is my usual tactics, it's a game, flirting, and this worked this time too. I said something rude and she said 'don't talk to me...' (she sounded serious) and I said 'the last time someone said that to me we were fucking in the toilet 2 mins later. I said: Well you'd better think of something good!. She came sit on my lap and started kissing me. It was a strange new toilet close experience.

Getting A Girls Number title=

Tags: close routine  pickup cube routine  attract cute easy  mypickup using waiting  girl routines  way using close  how routine  women using close  chick using man  how to get a girlfreind  

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