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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Approach Hot Women Using Fluff Talk

Approach Hot Women Using Fluff Talk

Within my social circle, there are always new girls popping in and out. So I have a lot of experience and I can share them. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. I had been drinking all day which is in no way uncommon for me. Given my recent makeover, I looked great. A few friends and I were pre-gaming with 80 proof liquor and walk into the bar. There is a ridiculous surplus of sexy women in this place. And then I saw this HB in three steps from me! Short stature, 5'1/5'2. Rectangular glasses (i like that), small waist and big tits.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. I think: 'I'm interested in this girl! I went to her: 'You're really horny aren't you. Blah-Blah'. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. I've used fluff talk - and she got hooked. I got lots of kino. The conversation was filled with sexual tension. I blew my load in short powerful bursts, on her hair, neck, chest, jacket, my pants, and a huge pool in my hand too.

I rubbing her back, the slowly rubbing her back beneath her shirt. I'm standing next to her giving her a hellfire eyes burn. I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to know her and making her invest. Suddenly she stopped my hand and mentioned she had a boyfriend. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). I drove her to my place. We started making out on my bed and the rest of the night was crazy.

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How To Pick Up A Amazing Lady Using Master Storytelling

How To Pick Up A Amazing Lady Using Master Storytelling

Before this im was a virgin. This is a little succes story of mine... I usually only go for girls that have something special. I was on a black T-shirt, I made a cool hairstyle and the use of cologne. I went to an upscale massage/salon place This place look more like restaurant. And then I saw this HB in three steps from me! She must have been fat and lost weight or something.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I think: I must to try, I don't really care what happens here, I'm just killing time... I move to her and said: Hi...Sorry, did I scare you? Blah-Blah. She said that she was bored and it is not against a little chat. She knew what I was talking about and just giggled. I advise master storytelling. It is great! I use it and it helps me. I tapping her on the shoulder. The tension kept building. I've been doing this type of seduction before and I just realized it's from Donnie Darko.

I was already holding her by the waist. I put my hand on her neck, and her pulse was through the roof. I told her it runs in my nature I was born with a unusually big penis.. rudeness comes from allot of testosterone cant help it! all genetics baby.. She laughed. She said: 'Mmm You're a great guy and I like you, but I know too little about you....but....what if you're a serial killer or something... I think she said this not because she doesn't want to be kissed, not because she doesn't know we will have sex, but because she wants to be seduced properly. Respect to that. So I ignore this words. We relax and then we go to her place to smoke a joint. I close her this night and it was crazy and wonderful night.

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