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Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Talk To Beautiful Lady Using Naked Man Routine

How To Talk To Beautiful Lady Using Naked Man Routine

I felt I was sharing something that had been extremely important for me. This happened with me some time ago, only got around to posting it up now. If you have a god-like social value, you shouldn't care too much about framing, gaming or about sexual control cos' your price is already so high that these things don't really matter. I wear my best star wars shirt that fit pretty well.. I joined two of my male friends and we go clubbing. There was a 5 girls sets across the room. I tapped a random girl on the shoulder. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say straight up no i got creative with it.

Her long black hair all messy. A voice in my head goes 'nahhh man. She'll probably just reject you like the last 5 girls. There's no point...But you must try!' I say to her: Wow, this place sure is crowded tonight. I felt great, giving her a confidence boost. One method that seems Naked man routine to help me prepare relax her. I went to the toilet and back to her. I touch her hair for immediate kino. For some reason though, her body language was like a bit weird with me, i think she was either freaked out about the small world situation.

I was already holding her by the waist. I put my hand between her legs and she squeezed her legs tight. I take her hand and say 'lets have a little adventure'. I also begin doing a lot of what taught me on sexual kino by grabbing her waist by sinking my fingers in...hard to explain in words.. She seems was interested but she said she was a virgin. I say: That's cool. But why don't you just come to my home and when we're done I'll drop you to his place after?' She said: 'Yeah good idea.'. However I was with this girl for 7 months.

How To Get Girls In Middle School title=

Tags: get lady using  lady using awkward  chicks slam method  kiss cute easy  day game techniques  baby women kiss  pick awkward  way pick routine  chick nlp  poems to get a girl  dating and friends  

How 2 Get A Cute Women Using Isolation Technique

How 2 Get A Cute Women Using Isolation Technique

I'm currently in a supposedly exclusive LTR, and apparently I'm a goddamn good-for-nothing cheater. Where do I start... If you have a god-like social value, you shouldn't care too much about framing, gaming or about sexual control cos' your price is already so high that these things don't really matter. I wear my hair in longish spikes, and have a loop earing on each side, a goatee, and a labret piercing (lip). Later me and my friend were at the bar. There were a lot of hot girls. I saw very hot baby sit next to me. She's a 8.5 from far away and a 7 up close.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I just said to myself 'I just want this girl and I will get it'. I basically told her it was getting boring and I wanted to do somethin. She said: 'Well, you can try' with smile. Overall it was a little cold, little sarcastic and standoff-ish. I've used Isolation Technique - and she got hooked. I went to the toilet and back to her. I take her hand and caress it and twirl her around so im locked against the wall pretty smooth, we makeout, i take her hand an say 'sko!'. She shivered and shot me a seductive glance.

I was still rampantly flirting with her . It feels really good, so much sexual tension. I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to know her and making her invest. I'd say there was no consent on my part cuz I was so trashed and I had no intentions to actually bang anyone but it happened. She grinned a massive smile and pecked me on the cheek. I got my hyper-pretty babe validation and continued on with my night. By the way, we never had a phone conversation through out the time I've known her phone number.

How To Get A Girl To Like You In School title=

Tags: get a girl to like you  pick up ladies  tips on how to pick up women  i can t get a girl  pick up line  how do u get a girl  poems to get a girl  get a girl to like me  haldeman julius  interpersonal relationships